Sometimes, I joke that being married
to Matt is tough for my ego because he is the kind of person EVERYBODY loves and wants to be friends with,
and therefore an impossible ‘act’ to follow. Me, on the other hand?
I feel people either like me or don’t, with quite a few quick to ‘pigeon
hole’ me with preconceived presumptions.
But hey, we can’t all be as magnetic as Matt. And so, after years of crying “Why don’t the masses adore me
so?”, I no longer fret about it anymore.
Not that it’s a competition, of course!
But on a more serious note, I came
across this saying last week: “Some people come in your life as blessings,
others come in your life as lessons”.
It got me thinking about all the people who’s paths I’ve crossed over the
years – the good, the bad, and the ones who 'straddle the grey in-between'.
The flight attendant / events
promoter who encouraged me to believe in myself and chase my dreams – giving me
my first grown-up professional singing job; the hairdresser flatmate who taught
me not to be such a gullible pushover – after she not only ‘took over’ my flat
but also racked up bills in my name; the big-hearted working girl who lived next door and took on a motherly role – whilst asking if I would keep a
‘look-out’ for her whilst she was with a client. Ah, the memories!
The people who came into my life to either be my cheerleader or teach me
lessons (however hard) that would mould me. And I am thankful.
For the kindness and love shown, as well as the lessons.
And learn from those lessons I try,
though I have noted that my self-deprecation seems to sometimes backfire. As a girlfriend, (let’s call her “S”),
recently commented, “Mish, you sure know how to attract them!” She was referring to my knack of
attracting unsolicited advice and comments – normally of a negative and
vindictive nature. S said she
thought maybe it was because I was too open and honest, which afforded certain
types to take liberties and cross WAAAAAY beyond the line of what is polite. And maybe she’s right. Or maybe, it’s a lesson that I need to
develop thicker skin!
And yet, despite the spiteful
(character building?) individuals I have met who are malicious (both directly to my
face and otherwise), leading the nomadic existence that we have for the past
few years, I have been incredibly lucky with the number of gracious people who have welcomed me into their
lives. Who have loved me in spite
of (or maybe even because of!) my vagueness and my shortcomings. Scattered around Australia, Asia, the
US and Europe, and though I have not spoken to some of them for quite a number
of years, the writing of this piece has made me reminisce..
Of the crisscrossing of paths,
meetings of the heart and mind, of shared dreams, and even the differing of
views. Of encounters that are so
fleeting, I grieve at the brevity.
And the ones that transcend dissimilar backgrounds, creed and language,
growing into beautiful friendships between kindred spirits, where the passage
of time elapsed becomes irrelevant whenever you meet.
And so, I want to put it out there,
to all my friends wherever you are, regardless of whether or not you are still
in my life:
I am thankful for my
friends who have taught me when I needed teaching, guided me when I was lost, rallied
when I was filled with self-doubt, and made me laugh when I took myself too
seriously. My life has been richer
and my memories more vibrant because of you. Thank you.