Every December,
Matt turns to me and asks, “What would you really like for Christmas and your
birthday?” He asks because that
time of the year is especially gift-giving-busy in our household because its
his birthday, then Christmas, my birthday, and then our wedding
anniversary. Its no wonder he
wants to roll it all into one.
Anyhow, for the past 5 years or so, I’ve struggled to give him any sort
of helpful tips to help him.
Why? Because there is
nothing that I really want or need.
Plus, I loathe shopping with a CAPITAL ‘S’ – especially if its for me!
So, just a bit
of background. Friends often tease
Matt about how he enjoys shopping so much more than I do. The fluorescent lights, the endless
racks all look numbingly similar to me.
Add the overpriced merchandise and disinterested shop assistants and
you’ve got a runner in me! Oh! And
the newest trend where lights are turned down so low you cannot properly see
what you’re buying AND music turned up nightclub-loud so you can’t hear
the shop assistant explaining what you’re holding up?!? I’m not sure who is behind
that ‘bright’ idea (pun intended!) but simply put: REALLY?!? Need I go on? But it only takes an hour or so before I start feeling
sick. And yes, I actually get
physical symptoms! First comes the
headache, then the black spots and nausea, and then the dizziness and sore
feet. And yet, I am official
‘present shopper’ of the family.
Go figure.
Anyhow, all 5 of
us were at the mall on the weekend, looking for white dress shorts for Matt
because they were on his Father’s Day ‘wish list’. Mind you, the list was not very long. Just the shorts (but I have a couple of
surprises up my sleeve!). Shop
after shop, we walked in and out – wandering about quite aimlessly (in my
opinion). After the first few
shops, I suggested we saved time by asking the shop floor staff if they stocked
white shorts. Matt was horrified
by my suggestion. “But that would
ruin the whole experience of shopping!”
I stopped. Confused. “But, isn’t that the quickest way to
get what you want?” Apparently not
the point when it comes to shopping.
By asking for help, I was in danger of reducing the “possible pleasure”
I might experience from ‘discovering a find’ all on my own! Okaaaay then. Time to make a quick exit!
My approach to shopping
(when I absolutely have to go) is more like a military operation: quickly in, a
brisk scan, a speedy visit to the change rooms (but only if it cannot be
avoided!), payment, followed by an instant exit – and NEVER with husband or
children! Even so, Matt has been
at me to buy myself a new pair of running shoes for the past 6 months but I
keep putting it off. Maybe I am
just waiting for a sale so big, I simply cannot refuse! Meanwhile, he’s threatening to
frog-march me into the shops..
Let’s face it,
shopping is really not my thing.
Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy
buying presents for people and I can work up quite a passionate enthusiasm for
grocery shopping – what can I say, I like gifting and food! In fact, whenever we are travelling, I
make a point to go into the local supermarkets to browse through the
aisles. But traipsing to the shops
to buy something for me (be it face cream or a pair of shoes) is akin to visiting
the gynaecologist or dentist. I
fare no better when it comes to Internet shopping – although I will confess
that many a moment have been frittered away ‘window shopping’ at some inane
time in the dark of the night.
I’ve even gone as far as ‘putting’ a few items in my ‘basket’. But come time to press the “buy and
pay” button, I get buyers’ remorse: “What if it doesn’t look as good in ‘real
life’?” “Hmmm, do I already have
something similar?” “How often
will I wear/use it?” And then
after a while, I just lose interest and shut the ‘window’. I know. I would hate to shop with me too. And yet, I have friends who swear by it.
Maybe I just
need more time to discover my inner shopping demon. Or maybe I should just accept I am what I am (ie a girl who has
a strong aversion to shopping) and Matt is happier for it!
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