Okay. You know how sometimes, you go through periods where for a
few days in a row, everyday just feels like “one of those days”? Well, I did. Just. Have
spent the last 24 hours in verbal warfare with my bank (should I name and
shame?) because their ineffectual management of my accounts have
resulted in a few other things not going as smoothly as it should – in spite of
all my behind-the-scenes control-freak-management. Should I start from the beginning?
The growing urgency of my
over-flowing to-do list has kept me up for the past two weeks and for the
better part, I’ve managed to keep on top of it by dealing with one task at a
time – otherwise I just get overwhelmed.
So, right now, top of my list are:
Final arrangements for Matt’s 40th birthday boys fishing trip this
beer, Redbull, Berocca; organize food for barbecue at our’s after the trip for ‘the boys’ and their families; organize and pay charter boat people for fishing
equipment; organize stuff I will need to make everyone breakfast
rolls as
per Matt’s request
Re-submit Tia and Paige’s applications for next school year for UWCSEA
- sort
and scan past school reports, passports, ID cards, passport size pictures, and
awards. Keep under 1MB; fill out
forms online; organize payment
And I could go on and REALLY bore you
with the rest of my list which include the need to get all four tyres changed,
fine-tuning our upcoming adventure to China, another Barbie next weekend,
Paige’s birthday party, research into a new business idea.. Sorry, I DID say I
would stop. The problem with my
list is this: it only takes but one ‘step’ in the ‘grand plan’ to go awry
before I feel like the ‘wheels are falling off the cart’. And then I freak out. Have a meltdown. Then stop sleeping. And EVERYTHING becomes a big deal! And
I wonder how my very capable friends with full-scale demanding careers manage
to juggle family and work. And then I remembered something.
Two days ago, I had a lucky escape
while on my weekly Mount Faber ride.
I was on my fifth round of my seventh rotation. Going downhill, but not super fast as I
was stuck behind a bus crammed with tourists. Anyhow, I would like to think I walk, run and ride like a
driver in that I am always looking ahead and around me – just in case. So I had my wits about me as I spotted
a lone woman waiting to cross the road after the bus at the end of this
particular hill, especially because I always turn right to continue my
rotation, in opposition to the bus’ route and am always mindful of this corner
for unexpected traffic.
I am unsure if she saw me or, if she
saw me but assumed I would follow the bus and also turn left. Either way, I gently eased on my brakes
and signalled – just as she walked straight into my path! I swerved. Missed her. But
at the angle I turned, my pedal hit the road. My bike stopped short.
I kept going – until I landed in the middle of the
luckily-deserted-road. I should
have been very hurt. There should
have been blood, a graze or two and sprains. But I got really lucky and escaped with only a couple of
attractive looking bruises.. Even
my bike survived another two rotations after the fact!
Remembering the incident made me stop my internal-rant about the stupid bank and incompetent staff. Compelled me to take a deep breath. Forced me think beyond the immediate. And this is what I 'saw': the fishing trip and subsequent barbecue
will fall into place. It always
does. And if it doesn’t all go
like clockwork, it will still work out – somehow. Furthermore, a 24 or 36 hour lapse in submitting the girls’
school applications is neither here nor there. They will get a spot when it’s the perfect time for them
to get a place in the school. As
for the bank, maybe its time I seriously consider a substitute.
Meanwhile, maybe its time to
re-read the book that Matt bought me oh-so-many moons ago: “Don’t sweat the
small stuff.. and its all small stuff”.